2023-2024 Weekly News
Posted onJune 25, 2024
Here are a few items for the last CHS weekly message for this school year.
Student Timetables
Student timetables for the next school year are complete and are now available on PowerSchool.
Students with valid educational class change requests for the 2024-2025 school year are asked to submit these requests using the Google form below. Valid requests include things like re-programming following an unexpected pass or fail, filling in missing courses in a schedule, fixing any duplicate courses that show up, and completing graduation requirements. Requests for teacher changes, adjustments to be with friends, and other non-educational requests are not possible to accommodate as our schedule is quite full.
For security purposes, the form is locked so that only students who are logged into their @rvschools.ab.ca email addresses can complete the form. Parents/guardians cannot complete the form unless they are logged into their child’s @rvschools.ab.ca Google account.
All change requests are due by noon on Thursday, June 27th. Link: https://forms.gle/hcgQxX6DYiU6MozEA
Congratulations to our Track and Field athletes for an amazing season.
South-Central Zone Competition:
- Rylee, Shot Put 1st, 100 m 2nd, and 200 m 2nd.
- Anthony, Shot Put 1st, 100 m 1st, and 200 m 1st.
- Henry, 100 m Hurdles, Junior Boys, 4th & 300 m Hurdles Open, 4th
- Avery, 800 m, Senior Girls, 3rd
- Cash, High Jump, Intermediate Boys, 3rd
- Shayla, Shot Put, Intermediate Girls, 3rd
- Eiliyah, 300 m Hurdles Open, 4th
- Caden, Shot Put Junior Boys, 4th and Discus, 4th
- Gage, Adam, Landon, Keeran, & Lincoln 4 x 100 Senior boys, 4th
Provincials Competition:
- Congratulations to Anthony who set Personal Best records earning 6th place in the 100 m, 7th in Shot put, and 9th in the 200 m at Provincial in Edmonton!
Thanks to our amazing coaches Ms. Martin, Mr. Bec, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Elenko, Ms. Hasiuk, & staff chaperones Ms. Simpson, Ms. Laviolette-Brown, and Ms. Taylor.
Learning Commons
It is that time of year again when I would like parents/guardians to help remind your children to return their library books/textbooks and Chromebooks. If your child has checked out a textbook, novel study, or library book of any kind; we need them returned before the end of the school day on Thursday, June 27. If we do not receive the items by the end of the year we will be reaching out to families to pay for any outstanding items.
Register Now for 2024/25 Bus Transportation
Time is running out to receive a discount on your transportation registration! Families who register before June 30 will receive an early registration discount of $40. This is extended to each of the first two students in a family, with additional students receiving $20 off if registering early. A minimum payment of 50 percent is due at registration. Bus service may be canceled up until Oct. 31, 2024 to receive a full refund. A step-by-step guide to registration is available on Transportation Registration & Fee Payment. To guarantee service for the first day of school, registration must be received before Aug. 1. Students registered after this deadline may experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus as late applications will be processed with a start date after Sept. 18. Transportation fees for 2024/25 will remain the same as 2023/24.
First Days Back in September
We have been approved for a staggered entry for our start-up in the fall.
- Grade 10s only will attend on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
- All students will attend together on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Final Message
Thank you for another amazing year. It is a privilege and I am very thankful to work with the amazing staff and students of Chestermere High School. I hope all our students/parents/guardians/community partners have a wonderful, safe, and restful summer.
June 14, 2024
Here are a few reminders for this week.
Year End Student and Parent/Guardian Feedback
Every year we ask for student and parent feedback to help guide our School Education Plan. I have attached one student and one parent survey with two simple questions: What to students/parents think are some things that are going well? What do student/parents think could be worked on or improved? All students and parents are invited to please take five minutes to provide some feedback for next year's planning. Both survey's can be accessed with the @rvschools.ab.ca email.
Fine Arts
Congratulations to our Fine Arts programs. Shrek the Musical and our Spring Concert were spectacular! Thank you to all the staff and students who were involved and everyone that attended the performances.
Awards Night
The Lakers Fine Arts, CTS, and Athletics Awards Night will be Monday, June 10th at 6:00 P.M. in the Wilson Gym. All participants in Lakers Fine Arts, CTS, or Athletics and their families are welcome to attend free of cost. Light snacks will be provided.
Lakers Football Program
I am happy to announce that Mitch Bec will be our new Head Coach for the Lakers Football team. Coach Bec is not only a CHS grad, he is also enshrined in the CHS Hall of Fame, class of 2009. Coach Bec played football for the University of Calgary, Western University, and the Calgary Colts football teams. He has been an assistant coach with our Lakers football team for 8 years and is going to do a great job taking over the exceptional program that Mr. Ledieu built since he became Head Coach in 2017. I would also like to thank Mr. Ledieu for all his years coaching our athletes, guiding our football program, and wish him nothing but the best in all his future endeavours.
Diploma Exams
All students/parents/guardians should be aware that Diploma Exams will be invigilated this week. Many parts of the school, such as the South Gym, Drama Room, and learning Commons, will be used for the entire school day. All students must be very quiet throughout the school and ensure that no distractions take away from our learning environment.
Parents/guardians are asked to have a conversation with the children regarding the dangers of vaping. Vapes are not allowed on school property or at school events. Students found with vapes on school property or at school events may face disciplinary consequences. Any students who are struggling with addictions can ask to speak with a School Counsellor to access nicotine cessation supports.
Grad Group Photo and Gowns
All grade 12 students are asked to come to the school on Friday, June 21st at 10:00 A.M. The Graduation Committee will be handing out gowns, caps, tassels, and stoles for their convocation on Saturday, June 22nd. At 11:00 A.M. Life Touch will be at the school to take the Graduating Class Photo on the Football field. Attendance is mandatory for Friday. Please see Mrs. Badick or Ms. Fulthorpe for more information.
Locker Clean Out
On Wednesday, June 12 at the end of Block 4, all students will attend their Block 1 class to complete locker cleanup. All locks will be returned to their teacher and must have the combination on the back of the lock. Students are required to remove all items from the locker. Any unclaimed items will be donated or thrown in the trash.
Last Week of Classes
For the last week of classes and final assessments, it is important for our students to keep their focus on the learning and achievement of all students in our community. All students must work together to create a safe and caring learning environment where students can demonstrate their learning and complete their final assignments without disruption. Behaviours that compromise the safety or learning of students, or disrupt the normal operation of our school, may have consequences. Water guns are not permitted on school property. Wet floors would compromise the safety of all our staff and students.
Final Reminders
The last day of regular classes is Friday, June 14, 2024 with Reassessment Week starting on Monday, June 17th, 2024.
Have a great rest of the week.
June 4, 2024
Here are a few reminders for this week.
The staff of Chestermere High School are happy to announce that Simran Dhaliwal will be the Valedictorian for the 23-24 graduating class. Congratulations and great work Simran!
Performing Arts
Congratulations to our Performing Arts Academy on a spectacular musical! There were 120 students involved with acting, pit band, set design, and audio/lighting. The Shrek musical was amazing! Thank you to Ms. Fulthorpe, Ms. Ploughman, Mr. Beseau, and Ms. Jones for creating this phenomenal experience for our school and community.
All CHS students and parents/guardians are invited to our Spring Band Concert at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, June 6th, 2024. It will be an amazing night of musical performances honouring the Graduating Class of 2024.
Awards Night
The Lakers Fine Arts, CTS, and Athletics Awards Night will be Monday, June 10th at 6:00 P.M. in the Wilson Gym. All participants in Lakers Fine Arts, CTS, or Athletics and their families are welcome to attend free of cost. Light snacks will be provided.
Formal Day
This Wednesday, June 5th, is officially grad formal day at CHS. All graduating students (and staff) are invited to wear their formal attire for the day. A photo booth with be set up at lunch to capture wonderful memories in your formal outfits.
Last Two Weeks of Classes
For the last few weeks of classes and final assessments, it is important for our students to keep their focus on the learning and achievement of all students in our community. All students must work together to create a safe and caring learning environment where students can demonstrate their learning and complete their final assignments without disruption. Behaviours that compromise safety or learning, and disrupt the normal operation of our school may have consequences.
Deadline to order yearbooks for the 23-24 school year is Thursday, June 13, 2024, through SchoolCash Online. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please check your SchoolCash Online receipts or contact Ms. Zaremba in the Business Office.
Upcoming Transportation Registration Night
Rocky View Schools (RVS) Transportation is pleased to offer a transportation registration night at Chestermere High School in the South Gym on June 5 from 4:00 - 7:00 P.M. to help families register for bus service for the 2024/25 school year. RVS Transportation Staff will be on hand to offer you one-on-one assistance to register your children for bus service. Computer stations will be set up at the school, so it is not necessary to bring your own device. Please set up your PowerSchool parent account beforehand so you can log in. You may register online if you prefer. This is optional for those who would like assistance.
Important Transportation Registration Information
- Register before June 30 for a discount of $40 (first two students in your family; $20 off additional students). A minimum payment of 50 per cent is due at the time of registration.
- Payment is processed online; only credit or visa debit payments are accepted.
- Families must register for transportation by Aug. 1 to ensure their child can ride the bus on the first day of school. Students registered after this deadline may experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus as late applications will be processed with a start date after Sept. 18.
More information about this event is available on the RVS website.
Have a great rest of the week.
May 29, 2024
Here are a few reminders for this week.
Performing Arts
Get your tickets for Shrek! All our shows are this week. Tickets can be purchased through School Cash or by calling or visiting Ms. Zaremba in the business office. General admission tickets for the other nights are $10. The poster, with all the details, is on our school website: https://chestermere.rockyview.ab.ca/ Here is the link to the article about our school play in the Chestermere Anchor:
All CHS students and parents/guardians are invited to our Spring Band Concert at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, June 6th, 2024. It will be an amazing night of musical performances honouring the Graduating Class of 2024.
The Lakers Fine Arts, CTS, and Athletics Awards Night will be Monday, June 10th at 6:00 P.M. in the Wilson Gym. All participants in Lakers fine arts, CTS, or athletics and their families are welcome to attend free of cost. Light snacks provided.
The Lakers Bistro’s last day of lunch service will be Tuesday, June 11th, 2024.
School Fees
All outstanding school fees are past due. Parents/guardians can pay on SchoolCash or contact Ms. Zaremba at 403.272.8868 or lzaremba@rockyview.ab.ca
Driving Safety
Students are reminded to drive safely at all times on school campus and in the community. Road safety is the responsibility of all drivers. Please remember the exterior of our campus is monitored by closed-captioned cameras. Have a great rest of the week.
May 23, 2024
Here are a few reminders for this week.
Performing Arts
Next week is the opening night for our musical, Shrek! Tickets can be purchased through School Cash or by calling or visiting Ms. Zaremba in the business office. Wednesday, May 29th is already sold out. General admission tickets for the other showings are $10. The poster, with all the details, is on our school website: https://chestermere.rockyview.ab.ca/
Here is the link to the article about our school play in the Chestermere Anchor:
Congratulations to the CHS Band for their performances as the “House Band” for the Calgary Surge Basketball team at their exhibition game on May 15th. The band created a fun atmosphere and lots of excitement by playing stadium favourites such as “We Will Rock You” and “Sweet Caroline”. The Band did a fantastic job, and the organizers are keen to have them return for another game in the future.
All CHS students and parents/guardians are invited to our Spring Band Concert at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, June 6th, 2024. It will be an amazing night of musical performances honouring the Graduating Class of 2024.
Congratulations to the following Lakers on their success at the RVS Divisional Championships. These athletes have advanced to the South-Central Zone Championship that is being held yesterday:
- Joshua - 3000 m, Senior Boys, 2nd
- Henry - 100 m Hurdles, Junior Boys, 2nd & 300 m Hurdles Open, 2nd
- Avery - 800 m, Senior Girls, 2nd
- Cash - High Jump, Intermediate Boys, 1st
- Owen - Triple Jump, Intermediate Boys, 1st
- Kayden - Triple Jump, Intermediate Boys, 2nd
- Shayla - Shot Put, Intermediate Girls, 3rd
- Owen - High Jump, Junior Boys, 1st
- Eiliyah - 300 m Hurdles Open, 2nd
- Gage - Javelin, Senior Boys, 1st
- Caden - Shot Put Junior Boys, 2nd and Discus, 2nd
- Gage, Adam, & Landon - 4 x 100 Senior boys, 2nd
- Harjot - Senior Girls Long Jump, 3rd
- Anthony - 100, 200, and shotput - participating in Zones
- Rylee - 100, 200, and shotput - participating in Zones
Canadian Student Leadership Conference 2024
Chestermere High School will be sending a delegation of 4 students and a teacher supervisor to the Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CSLC) being held at Camp White Pine in Haliburton, Ontario, from October 5 – 8, 2024. At CSLC, students get the opportunity to meet and network with student leaders from across the country and build their capacity as student leaders and leaders of the future. During the conference, students participate in workshops, community-based activities, and attend sessions with incredible keynote speakers. Students who are currently in grade 10 or 11 and will be attending CHS next year who are interested in attending CSLC are encouraged to meet in Ms. Boutilier’s classroom on Friday, May 24 at lunch for an information session. Because of the limited number of spots, students interested in attending must complete the CSLC 2024 APPLICATION available on the Chestermere High School website and the students’ Grad Class Google Classroom and return it to Ms. Boutilier by the end of the school day on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Please reach out to Ms. Boutilier directly with any questions.
2025/26 & 2026/27 School Calendar Survey
Rocky View Schools (RVS) invites you to give feedback regarding the proposed school calendars for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 school years. Beginning in 2025/26, RVS is considering the introduction of a fall break in November to support staff and student well-being. The survey includes questions about the impact a break in November might have for you and your family. It is important to note RVS is legally required to include a minimum number of school days, professional learning days and all statutory holidays into every school year calendar. To learn more about the options being presented and to provide feedback, visit RVSEngage. The survey will be open beginning May 20 and close June 17 at 4 P.M. The Board anticipates making a decision next fall. Thank you for your time and input.
School Fees
All outstanding school fees are past due. Parents/guardians can pay on SchoolCash or contact Ms. Zaremba at 403.272.8868 or lzaremba@rockyview.ab.ca for payment options. Have a great rest of the week.
May 8, 2024
Here are a few reminders for this week.
Performing Arts
The month of May means it is time for Shrek the Musical! Tickets are now on sale for students and parents/guardians. Tickets can be purchased through School Cash or by calling or visiting Mrs. Zaremba in the business office. We would recommend purchasing your ticket ahead of time! General admission is $10, or you can secure a front or second-row seat for $15. Kids 5 and under watch for free! If you have a local business owner or know of one and would like to advertise the musical with one of the production posters, please email Ms. Fulthorpe at cfulthorpe@rockyview.ab.ca
Lakers Spirit Showdown
CHS is excited to announce our upcoming Lakers Spirit Showdown – a spirit week that will end off with a whole school pep rally on Utley Field. Spirit days are as follows:
- Monday, May 13: Twin Day – find a buddy and twin for the day!
- Tuesday, May 14: Students Dress as a Staff Member, Teachers Dress like a Student – respectfully, dress like your favourite staff member!
- Wednesday, May 15: Anything BUT a Backpack Day – get creative and bring your things to school in anything BUT a backpack! All backpack alternatives must be appropriate and safe for school.
- Thursday, May 16: Grade Colours Day – for the Pep Rally, students and staff have been assigned a specific CHS colour to wear based on their grade or if they are staff. G10: Red. G11: White. G12: Black. Staff: Grey.
The Pep Rally will include a preview of Shrek: The Musical, grade Olympics, and a “Pie a Teacher” raffle draw. For the Grade Olympics competition, teams will be competing for the title of “2024 Lakers Spirit Showdown Champions.” Using the link below, students can sign up to be on their grade team and compete during the Pep Rally.
Grade Olympics Pep Rally Sign Up
To accommodate this event, we will be running a modified schedule on Thursday, May 16. Please see below and make note of the changes.
Period 1 (Block 2) 9:04 – 10:08
Period 2 (Block 1) 10:13 - 11:17
Period 3 (Block 4) 11:22 – 12:26
Lunch 12:26 – 1:06
Period 4 (Block 3) Check in 1:06 – 1:10
PEP RALLY 1:10 – 2:31
Period 4 (Block 3) 2:36 – 3:40
In Track and Field, congratulations to Gage Nagassar for placing 1st in Senior Javelin with a throw of 36.59 metres and congratulations to Cash Dyer for placing 2nd in Intermediate High Jump at 1.83 metres which is only 2 centimetres from the CHHS record and the National Qualifying Championship height. Congratulations to Hij and Logan for winning consolation gold at Badminton Provincials last weekend. Here is a list of upcoming sports events:
Boys soccer - May 9th we will be hosting Cochrane Cobras starting at 4:00 P.M.
Boys Rugby - Jamboree game day is on Wednesday, May 8th at the Calgary Rugby Union.
Ultimate Frisbee - the High Wood tournament is on Saturday, May 11th.
Track and Field - Preliminary competitions are happening this week in anticipation of the RVS Divisional Track Meet on May 14th.
Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs)
Our final PTIs are scheduled for tonight from 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Here is the link to the Conference Manager booking site if you haven't booked an appointment. We will also be hosting an Open House presentation for our incoming Grade 9 students/parents/guardians at 6:30 P.M. in the Wilson Gym with a school tour at 7:00 P.M.
RVS seeks public feedback on ward boundaries
The Board of Trustees invites you to give feedback regarding Rocky View Schools’ ward boundaries. A ward is a local area within the school division that a trustee represents. As some of our communities have changed significantly since the last board boundary change in 2017, the board is engaging in a review to ensure that effective and equitable representation is maintained. We invite you to take part in our review process by attending a public meeting and/or providing feedback. To learn more about the options being presented for feedback, public meeting times/locations, and provide feedback visit RVSEngage.
May 3, 2024
Here are a few reminders for this week.
Performing Arts
The month of May means it is time for Shrek the Musical! Tickets will be on sale by the end of next week. Tickets can be purchased through School Cash, by calling or visiting Mrs. Zaremba in the business office and purchasing tickets at the door with cash. We would recommend purchasing your ticket ahead of time! General admission is $10, or you can secure a front or second-row seat for $15. Kids 5 and under watch for free! If you have a local business owner or know of one and would like to advertise the musical with one of the production posters, please email Ms. Fulthorpe at cfulthorpe@rockyview.ab.ca
Congratulations to all players that competed in the South-Central Zone Championship this weekend. Our medallists were:
Hij & Logan earned a Silver Medal in Senior Boys Doubles.
Adam & Salina earned a Silver Medal in Senior Mixed Doubles.
Lincon earned a Bronze Medal in Intermediate Boys Singles.
Isabella earned a Bronze Medal in Junior Girls Singles.
Good Luck to Logan Erb and Hij Straker who will compete in Badminton Provincials this weekend in Edmonton!
Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs)
Our final PTIs are scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. The appointment software is open. Here is the link to the Conference Manager booking site. We will also be hosting an Open House presentation for our incoming Grade 9 students/parents/guardians at 6:30 P.M. in the Wilson Gym with a school tour at 7:00 P.M.
RVS Leadership Academy
The RVS Leadership Academy (RVSLA) is a division-wide student leadership program that offers a full-year, five-credit special projects course for students in Grades 10-12. Applications are now open for RVSLA's 2024/25 Year One cohort. Current Grade 10-11 students who may be interested in amplifying their leadership learning can apply using this form until May 15, 2024. More information is available on the RVS CLC website. Questions can be directed to Teacher, Lauren Curry.
Bus Safety and Parent Pick-up
Parents/guardians are reminded to use the Parent Pick-up and Drop-off parking spots on the South part of our campus. Please do not park on the highway, or the road on the West side (front) of the school. Students are reminded to not walk in between or behind buses. Safety is our first priority.
Have a great weekend.
April 25, 2024
I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather this week. Here are a few reminders for this week.
Performing Arts
The Fine Arts Academy is working hard on the final touches to costumes, set pieces, and musical accompaniments for the upcoming Shrek the Musical! performances. Tickets will be for sale on School Cash in early May. The performing arts students cannot wait for the audience to see Shrek the Musical! May 28, 29, 30, and June 1st. Evening shows begin at 7:00 P.M., and the Saturday matinee begins at 3:00 P.M. Doors open 30 minutes before show time.
CHS music students can't wait to depart for Nova Scotia on Sunday, April 28th to complete the second half of their exchange program through Experiences Canada. Students will be reuniting with students from Glace Bay High School, performing in a concert band clinic at Dalhousie University, touring the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, attending a Symphony Nova Scotia Concert, and much more.
Culture Week
We had amazing weather for our Food Truck Day today. Our leadership students have done a great job this week organizing cultural games, dances, trivia, and food trucks. Don't forget, tomorrow is cultural dress day.
Congratulations to the badminton team on a successful Divisionals tournament last weekend. The CHS team won the Divisional Banner! Here is a list of the winning categories:
Grade 10 Girls Singles - 2nd Place & 3rd Place
Grade 10 Girls Doubles - 3rd Place
Grade 10 Boys Doubles - 2nd Place
Grade 11 Boys Singles - 2nd Place
Grade 11 Boys Doubles - 1st Place
Grade 11 Girls Doubles - 2nd Place
Grade 11 Mixed Doubles - 2nd Place
Grade 12 Mixed Doubles - 1st Place & 2nd Place
Grade 12 Boys Doubles - 1st Place
Grade 12 Boys Singles - 3rd Place
Grade 12 Girls Singles - 3rd Place
The Badminton South-Central Zone Championships are this weekend in Airdrie. Good luck Lakers.
Our athletes are also practicing for Boys Soccer, Track and Field, and Rugby.
Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs)
Our final PTIs are scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2024. from 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. The appointment software will open to parents on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Here is the link to the Conference Manager booking site. We will also be hosting an Open House presentation for our incoming Grade 9 students/parents/guardians from 6:30 P.M. in the Wilson Gym with a school tour at 7:00 P.M.
RVS Leadership Academy
The RVS Leadership Academy (RVSLA) is a division-wide student leadership program that offers a full-year, five-credit special projects course for students in Grades 10-12. Applications are now open for RVSLA's 2024/25 Year One cohort. Current Grade 10-11 students who may be interested in amplifying their leadership learning can apply using this form until May 15, 2024. More information is available on the RVS CLC website. Questions can be directed to Teacher, Lauren Curry.
Bus Safety and Parent Pick-up
Parents/guardians are reminded to use the Parent Pick-up and Drop-off parking spots on the South part of our campus. Please do not park on the highway, or the road on the West side (front) of the school. Students are reminded to not walk in between or behind buses. Safety is our first priority.
Off-Campus Education Here is a link to the RVS Off-Campus Newsletter about CAREERS Skilled Internships & Events, Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP),Work Experience, and Green Certificate Program.
Monday, April 29, 2024 is a Professional Learning day for RVS staff. Students will not attend school on Monday and will return to regular classes on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Have a great rest of the week.
April 15, 2024
The end of quarter three and the mid-point of the second semester is Friday, April 19th, 2024. Fourth-quarter classes will begin on Monday, April 22nd, 2024.
Performing Arts
The Fine Arts Academy has been working hard to finalize the spring musical. Tickets will be on sale soon for Shrek the Musical! The show dates are May 28th, 29th, 30th, and June 1st. Any parents/guardians interested in volunteering please contact Ms. Fulthrope.
Chestermere High Staff and Students welcomed 48 band students from Glace Bay, Nova Scotia into our building last Thursday. Glace Bay students joined CHS students for a field trip to Studio Bell, then returned to our school for a combined rehearsal (with over 120 students!) and a Welcome Banquet. Thank you to the school community for their flexibility and friendliness towards the Nova Scotia students. They all had a wonderful time and built the foundations for life-long friendships with our CHS students. The CHS Band can't wait to see them all again when we visit Glace Bay at the end of the month!
Culture Week
Our leadership students are excited to let everyone know that Culture Week is coming back to CHS the week of April 22nd – 26th. This year, they will be organizing lunch hour activities, food trucks, and prizes for participation. If you would like to provide feedback for the week, please fill out the Google form posted in your Grad Class Google Classroom or scan the QR code on one of the Culture Week posters around the school.
Boys Soccer, Track and Field, Rugby, Ultimate, Badminton, and Girls Flag Football are all in full swing. The Badminton Divisional is this weekend.
School Council Meeting
Our next School Council Meeting will be at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 in the Learning Commons.
April 9, 2024
The end of quarter three and the mid-point of the second semester is Friday, April 19, 2024. Fourth-quarter classes will begin on Monday, April 22, 2024.
Alberta Student Leadership Conference Application
Chestermere High School will be sending a delegation of 15 students and a teacher supervisor to the Alberta Student Leadership Conference (ASLC) being held at Bert Church High School in Airdrie, Alberta from Sunday, April 28th - Tuesday, April 30th, 2024. At ASLC, students get the opportunity to meet and network with hundreds of student leaders from across Alberta and build their individual capacity as student leaders and leaders of the future. During the conference, students participate in workshops, community-based activities, and attend sessions with incredible keynote speakers. Students who are interested in attending ASLC must complete the application posted in their Grad Class Google Classroom and return it to Ms. Boutilier by the end of the school day on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. The application can be found here.
New School Website
The new Chestermere High School website has launched! https://chestermere.rockyview.ab.ca/ We are excited for our families to use the new site to help find information about our school and easily connect with the divisional website. The site is clean, clear, mobile-friendly, and easily viewable and translatable on all devices. The important links at the top of the previous website have also moved to the new site; simply click on “students” or “parents” at the top of the new site to access them. Please reach out to your teacher if there is information you were accessing through the website. We appreciate your help and patience in reporting any missing information, wrong hyperlinks, or other issues. Please email Ms. Stumborg to report any errors you might see.
Culture Week
Our leadership students are excited to let everyone know that Culture Week is coming back to CHS the week of April 22 – 26. This year, they will be organizing lunch hour activities, food trucks, prizes for participation, and a talent show. If you would like to participate in the talent show or if you would like to provide feedback for the week, please fill out the Google form posted in your Grad Class Google Classroom or by scanning the QR code on one of the culture week posters around the school.
Rugby practice has begun and games will start in two weeks. Contact Mr. Derkatch for information. Badminton is also ongoing, with the team having a scrimmage against St. Gabe's. Ultimate Frisbee (Ms. Taylor), Girls Flag Football (Mr. Ledieu, Mr. Bates, and Ms. Stumborg) will practice on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Boys Soccer (Mr. Barham and Ms. Mohammad), and Track and Field (Mrs. Hasiuk) will all be starting up. Boys' soccer tryouts will be today and Thursday after school on the South fields.
Places to Eat Lunch
With the warmer weather, students are reminded to enjoy the picnic tables and bleachers on the East Side of the school beside the basketball courts. The courtyard will also be open everyday for students to eat their lunch and socialize on the benches. The South Gym/classrooms and North Social/classrooms are still available everyday as well. Students are reminded to keep our campus looking great by utilizing the garbage cans and not leaving garbage on the ground and floor.
Have a great rest of your week. Eid Mubarak for our students and families celebrating Eid tomorrow.
March 28, 2024
Here are some updates for this week.
New School Website
Our new school website has gone live. The new site has all pertinent information about the school in a new fresh format. https://chestermere.rockyview.ab.ca
School Fees for 2024-25
The proposed School Fees for the 2024-25 school year have been posted on our new school website. These fees will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval on April 25, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Zaremba at lzaremba@rockyview.ab.ca before April 9, 2024.
Culture Week
Our leadership students are excited to let everyone know that Culture Week is coming back to CHS during the week of April 22 – 26. This year, they have organized lunch hour activities, food trucks, prizes for participation, and a talent show. If any students would like to participate in the talent show or if you would like to provide feedback for the week, please fill out the Google Form.
Summer School
Rocky View’s summer school registration opened on March 25. If you are interested in signing up for summer school this year, please make an appointment with your counsellor online. More information has been shared on the class of 2024, 2025, and 2026 Google Classroom pages. Links and available courses are also on your Google Classroom page. Junior Forrest Rangers applications are also due at the end of March.
Rugby practices have begun indoors. Contact Mr. Derkatch for information. Badminton is also ongoing, with the team competing in a few tournaments in preparation for the divisional and zone tournaments. Ultimate Frisbee (Ms. Taylor), Girls Flag Football (Mr. Ledieu, Mr. Bates, Mrs. Stumborg), Boys Soccer (Mr. Barham, Ms. Mohammad), and Track and Field (Mrs. Hasiuk) will all be starting up after spring break.
Solar Eclipse
As you may know, on Monday, April 8th, 2024, from approximately 11:48 A.M. to 1:40 P.M., a partial solar eclipse will occur in the province of Alberta. While exciting, everyone must prioritize their safety during this event. Direct solar observation poses a significant risk of ocular damage; therefore, all students must adhere strictly to safety protocols to avoid any potential harm. Parents, please talk with your child(ren) about proper safety protocols during a solar eclipse.
With Spring Break happening next week, students will return to class on Monday, April 8, 2024. Have a safe and rejuvenating break. Ramadan Mubarak, and Happy Holi, Passover, and Easter to our community members celebrating these spring holidays. Take care.
March 21, 2024
Here are some updates for this week.
Summer School
Rocky View’s summer school registration opens on March 25. If you are interested in signing up for summer school this year, please make an appointment with your School Counsellor online. More information has been shared on the class of 2024, 2025, and 2026 Google Classroom pages. Links and available courses are also on your Google Classroom page. Summer school classes fill up very quickly, so please do not wait to make your appointment. Junior Forrest Rangers applications are also due at the end of March.
Student Password Update
To enhance security measures on core RVS services and to meet new minimum-security requirements on our third-party services, we need to ensure our RVS user accounts have secure passwords. If students have not changed to a secure password and are still using their default password, it is strongly recommended it be changed before the Spring break. Please review the process on our website at: https://chestermerehg.rockyview.ab.ca/students/student-password-change.
Art Contest - Mental Health
RVS is sponsoring an Art Contest to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health. Students interested in submitting their art can find more information at this link on our school website:
Grad Update
Hello 2024 graduands. We need your gown size, grad quote, and future plans. Please go to bit.ly/4celL8r to complete the form before March 22, 2024, so we can order your grad gowns. Parents, if your child is graduating this year, please ensure they complete this form before the deadline.
PBIS Matrix
This semester we have put up the final PBIS matrix in our North and South Buildings and on our school website. The fourth letter in our SAIL acronym is that everyone in our school will be "Leaders" by contributing, supporting each other, and leading by example.
Our badminton athletes will be competing at a tournament in Brooks on March 23, 2024. Girls Flag Football will be starting immediately after Spring Break. Interested students should contact Mr. Ledieu. Rugby has started with practices happening indoors until the snow melts and the teams can practice outside. Any students, boys, and girls, interested in playing rugby this year please contact Mr. Derkatch. Track and Field will start immediately after Spring Break. Interested students should contact Mrs. Hasiuk at khasiuk@rvschools.ab.ca.
School Fees - School Council Meeting (New Time)
There will be a brief School Council meeting at 4:00 P.M. on Monday, March 25, 2024, in our Learning Commons to review our school option fees for next year. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
Drive safe on the roads. Have a great rest of the week.
March 15, 2024
Here are some updates for the end of the week.
Grad Update
March 4, 2025 It was great sitting down with all our grade 10 and 11 students to complete… This evening is for all new students starting in September 2025, including grade 9 students.… This only applies to students currently registered in courses with Diploma Exams. You have…Recent News
2024-2025 Weekly News
New Student Orientation and Open House
January 2025 Diploma Exams