Important dates for grads:
Wednesday, June 4, 2025
Formal Dress Up Day
Friday, June 6, 2025 at 1:00 P.M.
Distribution of graduation regalia to each grad and then the group photo will occur on Utley Field. As per the Student & Parent Handbook, regalia is not to be altered or modified in any manner for the ceremony.
Further communication will be distributed by email and Google Classroom.
Grad Fees
Grad fees have been set at $80 and are available on SchoolCash and are due by March 31, 2025. All fees must be paid before the distribution of graduation regalia items, including but not limited to cap, gown, v-stole, tassel, certificate, and gift. Regalia will not be released to students whose fees have not been paid. Should there be any budgetary concerns, please direct them to our Business office: Lori Zaremba
Final Graduation Checks
Guidance Counsellors and Administration will complete final graduation checks on May 26th, May 28th, and June 2nd. Potential graduates must have graduation requirements either met or in good standing in order to have their tickets released. Surplus tickets will be released for purchase on May 29th, 2025. Students not in good standing for completion of graduation requirements by June 2nd, 2025 will not be permitted to walk the stage.
To be announced in May 2025.
Walking the Stage
Monday, June 6, 2025
Convocation at 6:30 P.M.
Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary, AB
Tickets for the event will be provided through Ticketmaster as a required vendor for all Jubilee events. Each graduate will be provided a ticket for themselves and up to four guests as part of their grad package. All extra tickets will be made available approximately one week before graduation. Extra tickets may be purchased through Ticketmaster to a maximum of four additional tickets per graduate as availability permits.