2024-2025 Weekly News
Posted onSeptember 3, 2024
It is the official start of the 24-25 school year at Chestermere High School. Grade 10s start today with all students attending tomorrow. It is going to be a great year of learning.
A few times a month (approximately weekly) I send Chestermere High School updates, celebrations, and upcoming events. The goal is to keep all our staff, students, and parents/guardians engaged with the amazing activities going on around the school.
Here are a few items to start the new school year.
Our contact information is important if any students or parents/guardians have any questions:
Call the school at 403.272.8868 between 9:00 A.M. and 3:40 P.M. on school days
School Website at https://chestermere.rockyview.ab.ca/
PowerSchool for updated assessments and attendance at https://ps.rockyview.ab.ca/public/home.html
Lakers Football
Our CHS Lakers Football Team and Head Coach, Mr. Bec, have been practicing since August 16, 2024. They are excited to kick-off the season with their first home game, Friday Night Lights, on Friday, September 13, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. on Utley Field at Chestermere High School. Any students in grades 10, 11, and 12 this year who are still interested in playing football can contact Mr. Bec at mbec@rockyview.ab.ca. Registration for football will close on Friday, September 6, 2024.
Lakers Volleyball
Tryouts will be starting on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, and Thursday, September 5, 2024, for both boys and girls. We are also in need of more volleyball coaches. If you are a community member and would like to help with coaching volleyball please email mbec@rockyview.ab.ca.
Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Recognizing our CHS community: Our staff is continuing an initiative at CHS where we recognize students for their achievements inside and outside of school. Every month we will showcase this to our school community. If you would like to bring your child's name forward because of an achievement or involvement you would like recognized, please email Ms. Burzuk at bburzuk@rvschools.ab.ca. Please include your child's name, a picture of them involved with the specific activity (if possible, otherwise the school picture will be used) and the reason you would like them to be recognized. This can include school-appropriate efforts such as athletics, fine arts, community volunteerism, philanthropy, etc.
Timetables - Current student schedules for the 2024-2025 school year are available on PowerSchool. https://ps.rockyview.ab.ca/public/home.html. Students had an opportunity to request course changes in the spring, but if there have been any changes over the summer, for example, completion of summer school courses, the school is available to answer your questions. All class change requests must be completed before Friday, September 6, 2024 and made through the official class change Google Form located here: https://forms.gle/H4AxrbvV49RMmDQm8
Parent/Guardian Parking
Please remember the following regarding student drop-off in the mornings:
- Location: South end of the school in the designated drop-off area or in front of the main doors along the west curb.
Please avoid the central Staff Parking Lot and Bus Lanes along the front of the school.
Pick-Up at 3:40 P.M. and 2:18 P.M. on Fridays.
- Location: South end of the school in the designated pick-up area.
Please avoid the central Staff Parking Lot, the Bus Lane in front of the school, North & South Fire Lanes.
Thank you for your cooperation in following these policies; your cooperation will help ensure the safety of all students.
Student Parking Passes
If a student is planning on driving to school this year, they will require a parking pass. Students will need to pick up a parking application form from the Main Office. Completed forms should be returned to the Business office so the parking fee of $10 can be assessed on School Cash Online. Once the fee is paid, a parking pass will be issued. All vehicles parked on campus must display a current CHHS parking pass. Parking passes will not be required for the first two weeks of classes.
I hope that all our Laker students have a wonderful school start-up. My advice is to get involved in as many classes/extra-curriculars/option classes as possible. Welcome to a new and fantastic school year.
August 23, 2024
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation! School is just around the corner. You are receiving this email because our records indicate that your child(ren) will be attending Chestermere High School for the 2024-25 school year.
For our new grade ten students and parents/guardians, I would like to extend a very warm welcome. Throughout the year, I regularly send out messages with school reminders and celebrations of our amazing students and staff. Although classes for students don't start until September (see below for the schedule), there are many reminders and tasks to complete to ensure an efficient start-up.
If you have received this email and your child(ren) is/are not attending Chestermere High School for the 2024-2025 school year, please email Ms. Stumborg at sstumborg@rockyview.ab.ca with the student's name and the new school they will be enrolled in.
Our Main Office opens on Monday, August 26, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. Our website is a great source of general information. https://chestermere.rockyview.ab.ca/. Our school phone number is 403.272.8868.
Timetables - Current student schedules for the 2024-2025 school year are available on PowerSchool. https://ps.rockyview.ab.ca/public/home.html. Students had an opportunity to request course changes in the spring, but if there have been any changes over the summer, for example, completion of summer school courses, the school is available to answer your questions. All class change requests must be made through the official class change Google Form located here: https://forms.gle/H4AxrbvV49RMmDQm8
First day - Only grade 10 students attend on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. All students will attend on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. We will have staff ready to help all students with first day activities and classes.
Student ID - photos will be on August 28, 29, and 30, 2024. Students will need their photo IDs on the first day, so we have scheduled drop-in days for students to get their pictures taken. Students can choose any date that works for them and can drop-in between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. in the South Gym. There is a retake date on September 8, 2024 for students who can't make these dates; however, I encourage all students to stop in on one of these dates, if possible.
Busing - if parents/guardians haven't registered and require busing, please do so as soon as possible. Registration is completed through your PowerSchool Parent Portal/School Engage account. https://ps.rockyview.ab.ca/public/home.html. Any questions should be directed to Rocky View School Transportation Department at 403.945.4100.
I will continue to update students and parents as we get closer to the first days of school. Take care and I look forward to seeing all our Lakers in September.